
A (Tragic) Soulful Odyssey

If you have lived

If you’ve lived a little, done things, been with someone, hung out with people, had some laughs, cried some tears…

Then you know there may be regrets along the way too.

There might be shame.

Sometimes memories can haunt a real, live person.

Especially if that person is given to…

Introspection: “the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.”

Released August, 2018, in collaboration with Inside Out Music.

Here is an album- the first from Greek duo Residuos Mentales– in which such memories and regrets bring the protagonist to the breaking point.

It’s one piece in eleven parts, and we’re invited by the band to notice on the album cover art, the depiction of a clock and its delineated hours.

The soulful odyssey is well-explained in several places, so I won’t go into that.

What’s notable is that the duo have elected to depict this odyssey almost entirely in instrumental fashion.  There are human voices, yet these are barely noticeable and the weight is carried by the music.


The Music

Consequently, this begs the question about if the music accomplishes this purpose, this odyssey?

I say yes.

This is sensitive, graceful, contemplative music- gentle, ironically peaceful and serene (since this is indeed a tragic tale).

Moods and images are evoked quietly, subtly, with use of acoustic instruments like flute, viola, xylophone, and piano.

Also, drums are added at several key spots, and in several climactic places the textures become cinematic and more grand, with timpani and strings.

Melodies are introduced: the piano, the acoustic guitar, the flute- begin to intertwine and interact.  Things take time- they unfold, they evolve, and then move on.

Quite lovely.


There is hope, yet it is dashed

Sadly, the (tragic) tale builds hope, yet ends in disintegration.

With sweetness, and once a truly soaring guitar line, we are lead toward the possibility of reconciliation and redemption.

However, as is too often true in life, things don’t work as planned.  Hopes are dashed.

It is no grim affair however- the charm, the melodies, the instrumentation, and song-writing skills prevail, telling the story, developing our sense of this soulful odyssey.

Residuos Mentales

This studio duo was formed in 2012, based in Athens, Greece.


Stratos Morianos: Keyboards,programming (Also of Verbal Delirium)
Alexandros Mantas: Guitars

In conclusion

This soulful odyssey, while bearing tragedy within the story-line, presents a beautiful opportunity for the listener to look within- and to remember.


Residuos Mentales links:   Facebook   Bandcamp    Youtube

Progressive Rock Fanatics link:   Facebook

Progressive Rock Fanatics is a growing online community of progressive rock and metal musicians, bands, record company executives, critics, artists, writers, DJ’s and fans.  The focus is on contemporary and current music being made, with a sincere effort on the page to be affirming and supportive- there are plenty of pages where flame-throwing and angry scuffles take place, and that’s not for us.

If this sounds good, join us!




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